Tag: adultfilm

  • Penis Rash Can Come From Sex Toys

    Penis Rash Can Come From Sex Toys


    From penis rings to dildos, sex toys are more and more commonly found in bedrooms of consenting adults. And while sex toys are more historically associated with females, the fact is that more and more males are growing comfortable with incorporating toy play into their sex lives – often with great results. In general, sex toys don’t come with penis health concerns, but there are some instances where a penis health issue may inadvertently arise. For example, sometimes using sex toys might result in a penis rash showing up unexpectedly.

    Sex toys

    People have been using sex toys for generations. Ancient Greece and Egypt, for example, include references to objects which would be recognized today as dildos. People have used phallic-shaped food, such as zucchinis, as “natural” dildos, and carved-out melons have been used by enterprising men as vagina substitutes for eons.

    But today, sex toys generally refer to objects manufactured specifically for use in sexual situations, whether solo or partner-based, generally to enhance pleasure. (For some, that pleasure is enhanced through infliction of some degrees of pain, but the ultimate goal is pleasurable, however an individual may define it.)

    Penis rash

    In general, a penis rash (like most skin rashes) occurs because the penis skin has come into contact with some sort of allergic factor. Theoretically, the make-up of any individual could be such that he or she could be allergic to just about anything. However, the objects we will be discussing are those which are somewhat more likely than others to bring about a penis rash reaction. It’s important to note, of course, that just because some people may be allergic to something doesn’t mean everyone is.

    With that in mind, here are some sex toys which in some instances could produce a penis rash in some men:

    – Metal penis rings or balls stretchers. Penis rings are intended to tightly encircle the penis (or penis and balls) in such a way that blood is encouraged to fill the penis, thereby enhancing a man’s erection. Balls stretchers are worn tightly around the top of the balls so that the balls stretch out; sometimes weights are used to increase the stretching. Rings and stretchers can be made of several different materials, including metal – and in some instances, that can be problematic. A surprising number of people are allergic to nickel, and it can cause a rash in areas in which it comes into contact. Many metal products include nickel in their mixture – so a penis rash occurring after wearing a metal ring or stretchers may be due to the presence of nickel.

    – Vagina substitutes. Vagina substitutes come in all different forms, but they are generally a hollowed out tube of some sort which has been lined with a soft material. An erect penis thrusts in and out of the tube, usually resulting in ejaculation. If the toy is thoroughly cleaned after each use, there is little risk of a rash – but if not, a penis rash is quite likely. The risk increases if a man does not clean it thoroughly after another man has used it. (Sharing sex toys is risky, and most should be sterilized before being shared.)

    – Condom. Not a sex toy, but some men do have an allergy to latex – meaning that they must use non-latex condoms in order to be safe from both STIs and from a potential penis rash!

    A penis rash from sex toys may respond to use of a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Rashes often need extra moisturization, so using a crème with both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) is best. In addition, the selected crème should include alpha lipoic acid. A potent antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid protects the skin from the ravages caused by excess free radicals.


    #Penis #Rash #Sex #Toys

  • The Truth Behind People Who Buy Sex Dolls

    The Truth Behind People Who Buy Sex Dolls


    It might surprise you, but people who buy love or sex dolls aren’t necessarily creeps or perverts. I can tell you from first-hand experience because my own sex doll shop is one of the few who offers a concept that isn’t about having sex with a love doll, but about using them to create the most beautiful, erotic art.

    Love dolls can assume many poses and it’s a lot of fun to play dress up with them and see them wearing the outfits of your choice. Some of my customers can spend hours taking pictures of their favorite dolls simply because they can assume so many poses and because you can dress them any way you like.

    I believe that the erotic art (pictures/videos) made with the help of these dolls is a tribute to the female form. How beautiful is the female form.. It’s something to admire and eternalize.

    It’s very hard to find a stunning female that is willing to try on hundreds of different outfits.. Who is willing to assume many kind of poses and who at the same time doesn’t mind that you take pictures. Perhaps you even want to edit/Photoshop the pictures and add them to your personal collection or even share them online. Try getting permission from a real women to do stuff like that. It’s not easy to get this kind of permission and can even hurt a woman’s reputation if you do.

    With that said, these love dolls are perfect for making art that is meant as a tribute to the female form. People who buy love dolls from me are usually civilized, normal people who have passion for erotic art, the female form, beauty and sexy clothing. The dolls I sell to them allow them to enjoy their hobby in a constructive way.

    This one time a buyer approached me and asked me if I could help him decorate his new house. He recently retired and his wife had passed away a few years earlier. He purchased a big house, but he was going to live there all by himself. He felt that some love dolls might make him feel less lonely in his new home and that their beauty would bring him joy. It worked.. He told me that they are more beautiful than he could have ever imagined and that he actually grew fund of them. Since he was retired and because he was alone, he didn’t have that much to do until he took on this new hobby. He started making pictures of his dolls and found an online community where people tell stories about their dolls and share pictures. Last time I spoke to him he made it clear to me that the dolls have really brought him a lot of joy and even some new friends.

    The point that I’m trying to make is that these dolls can enrich your life and can be used for wonderful things, not just for sex. I also believe we derive joy from things that we are passionate about. If you have passion for the female form, beauty and photography then surely these kind of dolls will bring you a lot of joy not just pleasure.

    When it comes to pleasure. A love doll really can be a solution for people who simply (for specific reasons) can’t find a romantic partner or who don’t want to cheat, but still want to spice up their sex life.


    #Truth #People #Buy #Sex #Dolls

  • How to Turn a Girl Into a Sex Machine Extremely Quick – 1 Proven Way to Make Her Wild in Bed

    How to Turn a Girl Into a Sex Machine Extremely Quick – 1 Proven Way to Make Her Wild in Bed


    Who else wants to learn how to turn their girl into a an amazing sex machine in the sack? If you are anything like the vast majority of men who read our articles, the simple truth is that you love nothing more than a woman who goes wild in bed, right? It’s true… and just about every man who we’ve ever talked to admits that the biggest aphrodisiac for amazing sex is a girl who really gets into the erotic experience.

    But with so many women admitting to NOT being that into intimacy with their male partners, how can you make sure that yours isn’t one of them?

    Easy! We’ve identified about 10 or 11 ways to accelerate a girls desire, and accentuate her ability to orgasm to boot…and we’re going to share one of the most important ones with you below:

    Tip #1: The Amazing Art of Erotic Exploration

    Want to know what women really prefer when it comes to passion? A different erotic experience each and every time you make love! Sound far fetched? It shouldn’t be…as the biggest obstacle most men face when it comes to pleasuring their girl is boredom in bed. Yes, too much of the same thing is NEVER good for her, and unfortunately, when it comes to men and sex, the same old, same old is far more than a saying..:-) If you want to keep her on the erotic edge at all times, you’ve got to learn to mix it up and explore different “avenues” of keeping her satisfied, satiated, and most importantly, INTERESTED in exploring intimacy again with you the next night. The sad truth is that many women admit to preferring shopping for shoes over having sex with their husband, lover or boyfriend, and until you learn how to bring (and keep) her at the erotic edge, she’ll never be the “maniac” in bed….or about you really at all, that you really want her to become.


    #Turn #Girl #Sex #Machine #Extremely #Quick #Proven #Wild #Bed